High-level Concepts

Commitspark is a set of light-weight tools that allow managing structured data in Git repositories in a way that even non-technical users are able to take advantage of Git workflows. The tools are open source, standards-based and built with a modular approach from the ground up, allowing for easy setup, integration, and extension.

High-level architecture of Commitspark
High-level architecture of Commitspark for managing structured data with Git

Commitspark does not include its own Git repository hosting and instead relies on existing solutions which can be integrated through adapter modules. Pre-built adapters for popular Git providers GitHub and GitLab are available, which read from and commit data directly to Git repositories hosted on these providers. Data itself is stored in the form of human-readable plaintext YAML files that make it easy to track changes over time.

The structure of data to be managed is defined through a GraphQL schema file that is kept right in the same repository as where data is stored. This schema enables the Commitspark GraphQL API library to generate a fully functional CRUD (create, read, update, delete) GraphQL API on the fly at request time.

The Commitspark data editing frontend uses the GraphQL schema file to generate graphical data editing forms that conform exactly to the defined data structure, enabling schema-conformant data entry and editing. Frontend users sign in with a configurable authentication provider which is typically the Git repository provider.

Further Information

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