About Us

At Commitspark, we've harnessed the collective wisdom of highly experienced content management system builders to redefine industry standards. Our team is driven by a shared mission to challenge the status quo, backed by a track record of building and integrating content management systems of all size. While not all team members can be named publicly at this time, their expertise powers our commitment to innovation and excellence.

About the team

  • Markus Weiland

    Markus Weiland


    With over two decades of tech expertise, Markus is a startup tech leader who has spearheaded content management architectures for multinational brands and startups alike. Markus brings unparalleled insight and leadership to our team, driving our mission to revolutionize the industry.

  • Network

    Our Network


    Our network of dedicated supporters brings a wealth of business, domain, and technology knowledge to the table, fueling our mission to revolutionize content management.